Interview with Alvin Youngblood Hart

Interview with Alvin Youngblood Hart

What current or future project are you the most excited about?

Well, I’m always excited about MY next record, whatever that may be. I think I’m getting it in gear to make a 45 soon…

Have you played the NYGF before? Can you tell me a little about the performance you are doing at this event?

 I have played NYGF twice. One was a Skip James tribute show, the other a Merle Haggard tribute, both quite enjoyable.This time I’ll be playing along to a silent film, a Fatty Arbuckle comedy—awesome!!!

What is your favorite guitar you own?

I don’t have a favorite, really. I have a great variety of instruments. I enjoy the task of finding out which one does the job the best. Sometimes the $100 guitars will do things the $3,000 ones won’t do…and vice-versa.

If you could own one guitar that you don't already own, what would it be?

Oh, a ’56 Les Paul Junior would be nice.

Do you have a favorite lyricist?

Well, Willie Dixon was just the best, wasn’t he?

If you could play with one living person, who would it be?


If you could perform with one person no longer alive, who would it be?

Steve Marriott or Marc Bolan.

Best book you've read all year?

I’m still workin’ on Life by Keith Richards.

If you weren't performing music, what would you most like to do?

I might be battered, retired from the NFL by now.

Do you have any special hobbies outside of music?

Are huntin’ & fishin‘ hobbies…or ways of life?

How do you typically discover new music?

Usually through friends, because I’m still stuck in about 1972…

Most influential albums for you currently?

FREE—Fire and Water 

JAMES GANG—Rides Again

Are there any unrecognized artists that you'd like to shine a spotlight on?

I’m pretty absorbed in my own non-recognition at this point in time.

All-time favorite venue to perform in?

Well, I played at the Royal Albert Hall once. It was cool; I felt like I could REALLY sing in there, and I had the same view that Cream had in ’68.

What was your most memorable Eureka moment (in a performance context)? 

That I COULD sing and play at the same time……..

Favorite beer/wine/soda?

Why, Cold Beer, what else…?

Favorite basketball shot?



To learn more about Alvin, please visit: