
A day-long celebration of Italian guitar music, from the Renaissance to music of today.
92nd Street Y
1395 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10128
(212) 415-5500

The warmth and splendor of Italy has inspired guitarists and composers for five centuries. Our day-long celebration of Italian guitar music, from the Renaissance and Baroque to Berio and the music of today,  as performed by artists including Eliot FiskBill KanengiserConnie SheuDale KavanaghEmanuele Segre, Jason Vieaux, Nigel NorthHopkinson Smith, Pino ForastiereThe Harlem Quartet, and Lionheart.


ABOUT ELIOT FISK (Marathon co-curator):

Known world- wide for his adventurous repertoire and willingness to take music into unusual venues, Eliot Fisk has transformed the repertoire of the classical guitar through groundbreaking transcriptions; countless works dedicated to him by composers as varied as Berio, Rochberg and Schwertsik; and creative collaborations with musicians in diverse music styles.

Last season, Fisk gave the world premiere of two works: Robert Beaser’s Guitar Concerto and his own transcription of John Corigliano’s Red Violin Caprices. This past November, he presented his reconstruction of Barrios’ Diana Guaraní and new transcriptions of two Chopin waltzes for two guitars, featuring two of his star students, Joaquín Clerch and Jerome Mouffe, in Germany and Belgium. He also performs frequently with his wife, guitarist Zaira Meneses.

Fisk’s numerous recordings, many of which have entered the Billboard charts as bestsellers, have introduced much of his repertoire to an international audience. A massive new double CD featuring contemporary works written for and transcribed by Fisk will be released in early 2010 by Wildner Records.

 In addition to his performing career, Fisk is founder and director of Boston Guitar Fest, co-sponsored by the New England Conservatory and Northeastern University. 

 Fisk is professor at the Universität Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, where he teaches in five languages, and at the New England Conservatory in Boston. His website is