Schedule / Past Festivals
Stephen Aron, has been a featured artist for many years at nearly every major American classical guitar festival. The artistic director of the Guitar Foundation of America Convention 2005 at the Oberlin Conservatory, Aron's recordings have been described as "breathtaking" (Guitar Review), and as "one of the best discs to cross my desk" (Soundboard).
The David Bromberg Band live show is an extraordinary event, and follows no set patterns. A singular performer/writer/arranger, Bromberg's remarkable versatility has earned him vast acclaim. Peter Rowan, a major cult bluegrass artists, enjoys a devoted, international fan base. A skilled singer/songwriter, Rowan also yodels, and plays numerous stringed instruments.
Guitar Player magazine’s “Guitar Hero of 2006” Dominic Frasca shows you why
he leaves all the heavy audio equipment at home in favor of his 17-inch
PowerBook and Logic Pro software.
By age 21, Ricky Skaggs was already a recognized master of one of America's most demanding art forms, but his career catapulted him to popularity and success in the mainstream of country music. Now the road has brought him back to where it all began: bluegrass music, where he's known as the music's official ambassador. Marty Stuart is country music's renaissance man.
Guitarists Laura Oltman and Michael Newman have received acclaim for their 10 CDs and have been featured widely in the national media. Their concert tours and collaborations with such artists as fiddler Eileen Ivers (Riverdance), Turtle Island String Quartet, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Frank McCourt (Angela’s Ashes), have taken them to forty-nine states and five continents.
Dennis Koster, Jose Ramos, and Ivan & Juan Gomez
A celebration of the flamenco soul with some of New York’s finest guitarists and dancers. Presented in partnership with the New York City Classical Guitar Society.
The world premiere of two new film scores by Leni Stern and Brandon Ross
Guitarist/composer Leni Stern (whom The New Yorker described as “Fleet and Lyrical” and LA Weekly classified “one of the world’s most fully realized songwriters and guitarists”) performs live music to accompany a screening of the 1934 silent film The Goddess.
Guitarist Dominic Frasca, winner of the First Annual Guitar Player Magazine Guitar Hero Competition, will perform an evening of original compositions for solo 6-and-10-string electro/acoustic guitar.
Jorma Kaukonen, Bill Morrissey, Brandon Ross, and the Jen Chapin Trio.
Mississippi John Hurt (1893- 1966) was an amazingly lyrical and refined fingerpicking guitarists, who sang with a warmth and gentleness unique in the field of blues. Classic songs such as "Frankie," "Louis Collins," "Avalon Blues," "Candy Man Blues," "Big Leg Blues," and "Stack O' Lee Blues," were highly influential on subsequent generations of musicians.
Andre LaFosse calls his live performance style 'turntablist guitar': a cutting-edge cut-up of hip-hop, avant-garde, funk, and left-field dance music... which just happens to be played completely live with only a guitar, an Echoplex, and a tiny smattering of effects.